Dungeon Crawl Classics Tome of Adventure Vol. 4 The Purple Planet

Prepare for Harley Stroh’s sword-and-planet fantasy epic! Your characters are cast across the cosmos to a foreign world. Left to die beneath a weirdling sun and its sickening rays, their survival depends as much upon a quick wit as a quick blade. Even the finest chain hauberk must fail beneath the crush of an alien horde.

The Purple Planet: Where tribes of man-beasts wage an endless war beneath a dying sun. Where mighty death worms rule the wastes, befouled winds whistle through ancient crypts, and forests of fungi flourish in the weirdling light. Where ancient technologies offer life… or a quick death. Bereft of patron, friend, or god, your survival depends on quick wits and a strong blade. Will you and your companions stand as conquerors atop this alien land? Or will you beneath the blast of an ink-black death ray, just another corpse left to litter the wastes of the Purple Planet?

49,99 €
Verfügbar ab: 30.09.2024