Memoir '44 The Battles of Khalkhin-Gol Expansion

The first installment in our second series of Memoir '44 Battle Maps offers a campaign of 6 standard scenarios that can be enhanced with the two pre-printed Breakthrough battles provided in this expansion: The Battles of Khalkhin-Gol. The Battles of Khalkhin-Gol is a series of battles fought along the Halha River (Khalkhin-Gol), on the Soviet-Japanese border, at the very beginning of World War II. The Japanese Sixth Army was facing the Soviet 57th Special Corps, including Mongolian cavalry. At first, the battles were only short skirmishes, but it soon escalated into open war. The whole campaign lasted 5 months and ended with a Soviet victory.
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  • Lieferzeit: 1 - 6 Werktage (Ausland)