Nords: Shaman

Driven from the comforts of what civilization exists in the wild north of Mannheim, only the most powerful, ruthless and resourceful of the Shamen have survived. Their proud duels and conflicts are now a thing of the past, as all the considerable resources of these Gifted individuals is bent on reversing their decline. The last few winters have once more witnessed a renaissance of sorts for the Shamen in Nord society. Their gatherings at the sacred stones of Aarheim have resumed, even if only under threat of retribution from the Graymane, the only Einherjar the Valkyries will not challenge. Gifted young men are slowly drifting into their orbit once more and the refined knowledge of these powerful elders is being bepueathed to a new generation. With their increased visibility and activity, some captains have even taken to bringing them along on raids. Long forgotten and fallen into disuse, the mist weaving powers of a Shaman are puickly regaining the respect of field commanders. The ability to calm the weather is of tremendous aid when crossing the White Waste, while the mists help their forces close with unsuspecting foes with ease.

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