Spires Avatars of Flesh 2000 pt Army

Our Spires Avatars of the Flesh 2000 pt Army is ready for tournament action with great monsters, infantry and brutes ready to take the table by storm! 1 miniature or set each of Pheromancer, Biomancer, Lineage Highborne, Siegebreaker Behemoth, Incarnate Sentinels, Brute Drones, Centaur Avatar, 2 sets of Avatara, 2 Onslaught Drones, and 4 sets of Force Grown Drones make up this 2000 pt army, 91 models in all. Includes a printed rule book for both The Last Argument of Kings and First Blood. You can always build your own combination by using our Free Companion App based Army Builder! 

639,95 €
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